ReBUILD for Resilience

ReBUILD for Resilience examines health system resilience in fragile settings experiencing violence, conflict, pandemics and other shocks.

We are an international research consortium that aims to produce high-quality, practical, multidisciplinary and scalable research which can be used to improve the health and lives of many millions of people.

ReBUILD for Resilience is funded by the UK government.

News and Events

No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings – a blog post

Jul 10, 2024

A blog post summarising our webinar - No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings

Can climate finance make a major contribution to funding health system resilience?

Jul 10, 2024

Blog post from Oxford Policy Management on the role and potential of climate finance to strengthen climate resilient health systems in Africa and Asia

Beyond the Triple A: building resilience in health systems through agility

May 2, 2024

In this blog post Hema Bhatt of Oxford Policy Management explores the importance of agility in Nepal’s COVID-19 response.

Health Facility Operation and Management Committees and their significance in local health governance in Nepal

Apr 16, 2024

HERD International blog post on the role, responsibility and functioning of the Health Facility Operation and Management Committees in Kapilvastu District, Nepal

Community ownership and participation: Studying health systems governance in Moyamba, Sierra Leone

Mar 21, 2024

Halimatu Kamara of Institute for Development team in Sierra Leone reflects on a visit to the team’s learning site in Moyamba District where she saw community ownership and collaboratively address community health issues.

This project is funded with UK aid from the British people

"Two billion of the world’s poorest people live in fragile and conflict-affected settings and that figure is rising, fuelled by growing inequality, violence, conflicts and other shocks."

Joanna Raven, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine