Category: International
Health justice in fragile and shock-prone settings: from theory to practice towards building resilient health systems
Presentation from Wesam Mansour on health justice in fragile and shock-prone settings
Reimagining the future of global health initiatives – presentation
A presentation by Sophie Witter on Reimagining the future of global health initiatives
Principles and practices of health systems strengthening in fragile settings: conceptual reflections and operational perspectives
Presentation on ‘Principles and practices of health systems strengthening in fragile settings’, presented at HSR2024
Approaches, enablers and barriers to govern the private sector in health in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review
Paper reports on a scoping review, which synthesised evidence on the approaches used to govern private sector delivery and financing of healthcare in low- and middle-income countries
Final episode of the ‘From the Halls’ podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for Resilience – final episode of the ‘From the Halls’ of the Health Systems Research Symposium’
Second episode of the ‘From the Halls’ podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for Resilience – an episode of the ‘From the Halls’ of the Health Systems Research Symposium’
First ‘From the Halls’ of the Health Systems Research Symposium podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for Resilience – ‘From the Halls’ of the Health Systems Research Symposium’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
Health systems in times of peace and conflict – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for Resilience – ‘Health systems in times of peace and conflict’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
Health systems financing in fragile settings – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for resilience – ‘Health systems financing in fragile settings’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
Resilience in interconnected community and formal health (and connected) systems
Paper argues that resilience capacities in both formal and community health systems, and connected systems, be considered in health system resilience conceptual frameworks
Towards a typology of financial autonomy of primary healthcare facilities in LMICs
A presentation from Prof Sophie Witter – Towards a typology of financial autonomy of primary healthcare facilities in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)
Migration, displacement and health systems – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for resilience – ‘Migration, displacement and health systems’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
Improving the engagement of global health initiatives with country health systems, including in fragile and shock-prone settings
Case study on REBUILD’s contribution to the Future of Global Health Initiatives
Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems podcasts
The ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ ReBUILD for Resilience podcast series. Explores a different resilience-related topic each episode.
Non-State and Informal Actors in Fragile Settings – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for resilience – ‘Non-State and Informal Actors in Fragile Settings’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
The Health Workforce in Times of Crisis – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for resilience – ‘The Health Workforce in Times of Crisis’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
Political economy analysis for health financing – a ‘how to’ guide
WHO’s Political Economy of Health Financing: How-to Guide lays out a structured way to organize and analyze key political economy factors that can impact a health financing reform
Strengthening climate-resilient health systems: opportunities and challenges – policy brief
Policy brief summarises key lessons from a webinar, Strengthening climate-resilient health systems: Opportunities and challenges, bringing together learning on ‘climate mainstreaming’ in the health sector from three projects undertaken by Oxford Policy Management
No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings – webinar
Video of a webinar on ‘No health without peace: Health justice in armed conflict settings’ featuring Najal Al-Sonboli, Khine Wai Wai Oo, Mohammed Abdalgadir, Mohammed Alkhaldi, Fouad Fouad and Egbert Sondorp
Gender, health systems resilience and equity – podcast
A podcast from ReBUILD for resilience – ‘Gender, health systems resilience and equity’. Part of the ‘Stories of Resilience – Local Lives and Health Systems’ series.
Strengthening climate-resilient health systems: opportunities and challenges at policy and facility level – webinar
Video of a webinar on ‘Strengthening climate-resilient health systems: opportunities and challenges at policy and facility level’ featuring Elizabeth Gogoi, Mahwish Hayee, Kenneth C Ene, Renzo Guinto, Helen Yaxley and Sushil Baral
Forced migration and health systems: a proposal for a new approach
Fouad Fouad speaks on Forced migration and health systems: a proposal for a new approach
Supporting knowledge sharing through the Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings
A ReBUILD case study on supporting knowledge sharing through the Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings
Improving conceptualisation and evaluation of health system strengthening
A ReBUILD case study on improving the conceptualisation and evaluation of health system strengthening
Bringing political economy thinking into global health financing policy and practice in fragile and shock-prone settings
A ReBUILD case study on bringing political economy thinking into global health financing policy and practice, in fragile and shock-prone settings
Introduction to political economy analysis
A video introduction to political economy analysis by Maria Bertone
Exploratory review of financial autonomy at primary care level
Presentation by Sophie Witter on Exploratory review of financial autonomy at primary care level at the Montreux Collaborative Conference
Val Percival on The Lancet Commission on Peaceful Societies through Health Equity and Gender Equality
A video in which Val Percival speaks about the The Lancet Commission on Peaceful Societies through Health Equity and Gender Equality
Resilient public financial management: emerging practice and implications for the health sector
A brief produced following a ReBUILD webinar on disaster resilient Public Financial Management, organised in association with Oxford Policy Management
Process documentation presentation
A presentation on HERD International’s process documentation processes – video and PDF
Strengthening approaches to innovative health financing in fragile and shock-prone settings – a case study
A case study of ReBUILD for Resilience’s 2018-22 research and impact into health financing in fragile and shock-prone settings
Disaster-resilient public financial management webinar
Video of a webinar on disaster-resilient public financial management
Sharing experiential learning from health policy and system research learning sites in diverse settings
Panel discussion reflects on the meaning and practice of ‘learning sites’ to advance health policy and systems research and its application for system strengthening
How to Integrate Political Economy into Technical Reform Processes Oriented towards UHC
Two presentations and a Q&A session on the political economy of health financing reforms towards UHC
Governance, health system strengthening and the private sector
Presentation by Sophie Witter on governance, health system strengthening and the private sector with a focus on fragile and conflict-affected settings
How can we strengthen partnership and coordination for health system emergency preparedness and response? Findings from a synthesis of experience across countries facing shocks
Paper identifies characteristics and enablers of effective coordination for emergency preparedness and response, drawing on experience from different countries with a range of shocks, including floods, drought, and COVID-19
Strong coordination is essential for health system resilience and shock response – a poster
Strong coordination is essential for health system resilience and shock response – a poster
Health system resilience – framing, debates and latest evidence as we start to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic
Round-table webinar discussion on concept and application of health system resilience research, including rethinking in light of COVID-19
Appraising pay‐for‐performance in healthcare in low‐ and middle‐income countries through systematic reviews: reflections from two teams
Review looking at whether and to what extent pay for performance works, how, for whom, for how long, with which design, and in which context
Leave no one behind: ensuring access to COVID-19 vaccines for refugee and displaced populations
Paper looks at internally-displaced persons and refugees in LMICs with poor access to COVID-19 vaccines and considers the impact on and behaviours of those seeking immunisation
Performance-based Financing versus “Unconditional” Direct Facility Financing – False Dichotomy?
Paper examines the evidence for the effectiveness of performance-based financing and direct financing facility
Providing guidance for donor approaches to performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings – a case study
A case study on ReBUILD for Resilience’s work providing guidance to donors on performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings
Strengthening coordination for shock preparedness and response: lessons for health system resilience
This working paper from OPM examines the roles played by coordination and partnerships between different stakeholders in supporting health system preparedness and response to shocks
Health financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings webinars
Webinars on health financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings run in collaboration with WHO – one in French, the other in English
Gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – global document review
Review examines relevant literature on close-to-community providers during the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile and shock-prone settings, applying gender, equity & justice lenses.
Direct facility financing: rationale, concepts & evidence
A presentation, video recording and associated papers on direct facility financing given by Professor Sophie Witter at the 5th Meeting of the Montreux Collaborative on Fiscal Space, Public Financial Management and Health Financing in November 2021.
Twitter chat on displaced people, conflict & health systems
Read some of the tweeted highlights of this twitter chat on health systems, conflict & displaced people
Close-to-community providers, gender and COVID-19 webinar
Video recording of the webinar ‘Close-to-community providers in fragile settings and vulnerable communities during crisis: Gender and COVID-19’
Disability-inclusive health systems research in fragile and shock-prone settings
This ReBUILD for Resilience webinar looked at how we might deliver disability-inclusive health systems research in fragile and shock-prone settings.
COVID-19 and fragile settings – UHC2030 International Health Partnership Policy Brief
A UHC2030 report from December 2020 on health priorities for COVID-19 response and recovery in fragile settings
Reflections from fragile and conflict-affected settings
Presentation from Professor Sophie Witter at the ‘Health financing priorities in the time of Covid-19?’ session at the Institute of Development Studies in October 2020
Health system strengthening in LMICs and fragile states – what and how?
A presentation which considers what a health system is, what makes it strong and what we know about effective strengthening interventions
Resilience and inclusion in health (emergency and longer-term approaches with reference to COVID-19)
A UNHCR webinar on refugees’ inclusion in health systems and health system strengthening during the COVID-19 pandemic. Features Professor Sophie Witter.
Employment based health financing does not support gender equity in universal health coverage
This paper argues that health financing and entitlement systems linked to employment can actually disadvantage women and explores how that happens
Principles of Health Systems Resilience in the Context of COVID-19 Response
A research brief which outlines the key principles for promoting resilient health systems in the face of the challenge of Covid-19
Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations
These two papers, produced for the World Health Organization, look at health financing policy in fragile and conflict-affected settings – Health financing policy and implementation in fragile and conflict-affected settings and Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations
Evidence review of what works for health systems strengthening, where and when?
Research from ReBUILD and partners on identifying evidence on effective health systems strengthening approaches in different contexts
Health system strengthening – reflections on its meaning, assessment and our state of knowledge
Paper reflecting on undertaking a health systems strengthening review, drawing out suggestions on definitions and approaches to assessment, plus key conclusions
Health system strengthening – what is it, how should we assess it, and does it work?
Presentation (video and slides) given by Professor Sophie Witter on a report on health systems strengthening
Political economy approaches to explore PBF’s adoption, adaption and implementation in fragile settings
Presentation given by Maria Bertone at the International Health Economics Association congress in Basel July 2019
Health financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings: What do we know, seven years on?
Paper from ReBUILD looking at literature on health systems financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings and how it has changed in 2012-19
Videos – performance-based financing presentations from HSR 2018
Three presentations on performance-based financing filmed during the 2018 Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research
‘Leaving no one behind’ presentation videos
Presentations recorded during the session ‘Leaving No One Behind – how can evidence-based approaches support progress towards UHC and global health goals during conflict and protracted crises?’, part of the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in October 2018 in Liverpool.
Video on health financing in fragile and conflict-affected states
Professor Sophie Witter speaks about health financing in fragile and conflict-affected states
Video introduction to performance-based financing
Professor Sophie Witter speaks about performance-based financing as a way to build strategic purchasing in fragile and conflict-affected states.
Developing health system research capacity in crisis-affected settings: why and how?
This brief outlines the meaning of health system research capacity, the particular needs for such research capacity in crisis-affected settings, and key lessons for future policy, building on the broad experience of the ReBUILD Consortium and tacit knowledge of the ReBUILD partnership as well as wider literature
Do health systems contribute to reduced fragility and state-building during and after crises?
This ReBUILD brief discusses the associations between health systems and state-building and the empirical evidence in this area.
The political economy of crisis-affected settings: what does it mean for investments in health systems?
This brief reviews key elements in the response to crises from a political economy perspective, evidence on the opportunities and challenges presented by crises, and lessons in how to best utilise those opportunities to promote investment in health systems.
Responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems: What do we know?
ReBUILD briefing paper summarising knowledge on responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems
Etat des connaissances sur le renforcement des systèmes de santé dans les contextes fragiles
Presentation (French language) on the state of knowledge on health systems in fragile contexts, given by Professor Sophie WItter at an International Workshop at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp on 16th October 2018.
Leaving no one behind; how can evidence-based approaches support progress towards UHC and global health goals during conflict and protracted crises?
This briefing paper has been produced ahead of an organised session at HSR2018, outlining the background context of health service delivery in conflict and protracted crises, current developments and initiatives to improve coordination and approaches to support both humanitarian and development objectives, and the challenges and issues for the use of evidence to support these efforts.
Integrating gender into health system strengthening in conflict and crisis-affected settings
Recording of a webinar on integrating gender into health system strengthening in conflict and crisis-affected settings
Summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and outputs 2018
This summary of ReBUILD’s research projects from both the original phase and the short extension phase of the programme. It includes links to further information on the projects and their outputs.
UHC in Emergencies – ReBUILD presentation at the 2018 World Health Assembly
Video of Tim Martineau of the ReBUILD Consortium speaking at a session on UHC in emergencies at the 2018 World Health Assembly
Resilience in health systems – responses to key questions
This briefing note provides collective responses from three health systems research consortia to some key questions on health systems resilience raised by DFID advisors.
Resilience of health systems during and after crises – what does it mean and how can it be enhanced?
This policy brief summarises different aspects of health system resilience, its measurement, and strategies for enhancing resilience during and after crises.
Learning Support Tool on Gender and Health Systems
This learning support tool was developed by ReBUILD, RinGs and the EU DEVCO B4 to help improve considerations of gender in health systems strengthening, through the work of health staff in EU delegations.
Minding the gaps: health financing, universal health coverage and gender
This ReBUILD paper reflects on why we need to focus on gender when moving towards Universal Health Coverage
Gender equality needs critical consideration in conflict-affected settings
This 2015 ReBUILD paper argues that more attention should be focused on addressing gender inequalities and inequities in conflict-affected states
Health systems research in fragile and conflict-affected states: a research agenda-setting exercise
This paper reports on a research needs setting exercise carried out by the HSG Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile and Conflict Affected States (TWG-FCAS).
‘Leaving no one behind’: protecting vulnerable groups in fragile and conflict-affected situations
Poster from ReBUILD’s cross-country study on people’s health needs and health seeking behaviour before, during and after conflict. This poster was presented at the 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 16th-18th November, Vancouver, Canada
Health workers’ incentives in post-conflict settings – a review of the literature and framework for research
This 2012 ReBUILD literature review identifies research gaps in relation to health worker incentives in post-conflict contexts.
Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile & Conflict Affected States – Flyer
November 2015 flyer on objectives and activities of the Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile & Conflict-Affected States
Mental health and psychosocial service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings
Literature review on methodologies & understanding mental health & psychosocial services for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings
The complex remuneration of human resources for health in low-income settings: policy implications and a research agenda for designing effective financial incentives
This paper argues that research focusing on the health workers’ “complex remuneration” is critical to address some of the most challenging issues affecting human resources for health. An empirical research agenda is proposed to fill the gap in our understanding.
Building gender responsive health systems in post conflict contexts: Opportunities and challenges
Building gender responsive health systems in post-conflict contexts: Opportunities and challenges Presentation given at a Global Health, Policy and Practice session 7 March 2014 Read the full presentation
Health financing in fragile and post-conflict states: What do we know and what are the gaps?
As part of ReBUILD’s wider work on health financing, this paper presents an exploratory literature review to analyse the themes and findings of recent writing on health financing in fragile and post-conflict settings.