Shophika leads a stakeholder engagement session in Kapilvastu
Early Career Researcher spotlight – Shophika Regmi
18 July 2023
Shophika Regmi of HERD International is next in our series on ReBUILD for Resilience’s early career researchers.
Hi, Shophika. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your roll within ReBUILD.
I am managing research activities and coordinating different studies that are being implemented by HERD International in Nepal, ensuring timely and quality implementation and deliveries. I am mainly leading research work (I’m co-investigator) at our learning site in a municipality in Kapilvastu District where we are aiming to strengthen local health system capacity through improved governance mechanisms and evidence-informed planning.
What does that work entail?
Overall, my role involves working with communities and local governments, health workers and various stakeholders in the municipality. Through community engagement I’ve gained valuable insights into the realities faced by communities and their health requirements. Fostering relationships with local government and stakeholders in the municipality has allowed me to understand their strengths and capacity gaps, and through participatory co-creation approaches we are working together to identify opportunities for innovation and to mobilize resources to address the systemic challenges and community health needs. [Shophika is top right in the image, leading a stakeholder session.] The learning site offers a unique blend of community engagement, stakeholder collaboration, research, capacity building, and the potential for meaningful impact on health outcomes of unreached populations, which feels very rewarding.
I understand that you are part of the Early Career Research forum
Yes, we initiated a ReBUILD Early Career Researchers (ECR) forum with the participation of early and mid-career researchers from all partners in the consortium. This forum brings together researchers from various disciplines and backgrounds and provides ECRs with an opportunity to connect and collaborate with peers, expand our professional networks, and enhance our skills and knowledge. In future, I believe through the ECR forum we will work together to design innovative research, publish joint papers, and ultimately contribute to the strengthening of health systems across multiple fragile and shock-prone settings.
How has the ReBUILD experience been for you personally?
I am aware that the field of health system research is dynamic and constantly evolving. Through my engagement in the ReBUILD consortium I’ve been offered an invaluable platform to work with global experts in this field. I have the opportunity to deepen my understanding of health systems through the sharing of cross-country learning and best practices, to enhance my research skills and innovations, and to make meaningful contributions towards improving health outcomes worldwide. I am grateful to the consortium members who are contributing to my learning journey of health systems, which I am very passionate about.
Thanks for your time
Further information
- There’s more on the Kapilvastu learning site and research outputs here
- Watch Shophika speak about the learning site experience in this Health Systems Research symposium session (see above)
- Read about some of ReBUILD’s other Early Career Researchers – Wesam Mansour & Giulia Loffreda