Category: COVID-19

Refugee women in the informal health sector in Lebanon: gendered experiences of close-to-community healthcare providers during the COVID-19 response

This paper explores the lived experiences of men and women close-to-community healthcare providers in Beqaa, Lebanon, examining their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

Understanding health system resilience in responding to a pandemic: experience and lessons from an evolving context of federalization in Nepal

ReBUILD paper on how Nepal’s federalised health system responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and lessons to be learned

Health sector policy responses for human resources for health during COVID-19

Case study looking at the impact of COVID-19 and federalisation on Nepal’s health system, how individual health workers adapted, and the policies enacted to support them

Research on gender and close-to-community providers of health care – providing policy guidance in a pandemic

A ReBUILD case study on its research on gender and close-to-community health care providers and how it has provided policy guidance in a pandemic

Resilient public financial management: emerging practice and implications for the health sector

A brief produced following a ReBUILD webinar on disaster resilient Public Financial Management, organised in association with Oxford Policy Management

Community stressors and coping mechanisms in accessing the health system during a double crisis: a qualitative case study from Yangon Region, Myanmar

Paper on community stressors in Myanmar during COVID-19 and the political crisis, and the impact on the country’s health system

Community health workers and COVID-19: Cross-country evidence on their roles, experiences, challenges and adaptive strategies

Paper on community health workers’ experiences during COVID-19 in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, Kenya and Ethiopia

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings

Presentation by Lansana Kallon on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings: implications for policy and practice during and post COVID-19 in Sierra Leone

Community health workers involvement in COVID-19 response: Understanding their roles, experiences, challenges and adaptive strategies across six countries

Community health workers’ experiences and innovations during the COVID-19 pandemic in six countries

Sustaining health system resilience in extreme circumstances: insights from key informant interviews with UNRWA staff across Gaza and Lebanon during the COVID-19 pandemic

Video from Giulia Loffreda on what sustains health system resilience and how effective and equitable UNRWA service delivery was during COVID-19 in Gaza and Lebanon

Poster on health sector policy responses and health workforce management during COVID-19 in Nepal

Poster on health sector policy response and workforce management in Nepal during COVID-19

Under-recognised and under-supported: CHWs during COVID-19

Poster on community health workers during the COVID-19 pandemic

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – Myanmar

Report from Burnet Institute Myanmar on the gendered experiences of close-to-community providers during COVID-19

Health system resilience during COVID-19 understanding SRH service adaptation in North Kivu

Paper examines the effects of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health services in North Kivu and how the health system did or did not adapt to ensure continued services

Health sector policy responses and health workforce management during COVID-19 in Nepal: Lessons for building resilient health systems

Brief on health workforce management in order to address the surge in demand for services during COVID-19 in Nepal

Leave no one behind: ensuring access to COVID-19 vaccines for refugee and displaced populations

Paper looks at internally-displaced persons and refugees in LMICs with poor access to COVID-19 vaccines and considers the impact on and behaviours of those seeking immunisation

Understanding health system resilience to respond to COVID-19 in a federalised context

A report – Understanding Health System Resilience to Respond to COVID-19 in a Federalised Context: a case study of health workforce management at the sub-national level in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic – by HERD International

Gendered experience of Sierra Leone’s close-to-community providers during COVID-19: a study report

Report on the Sierra Leone strand of the study ‘The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile & shock-prone settings: implications for policy & practice during & post COVID-19’

Gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – global document review

Review examines relevant literature on close-to-community providers during the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile and shock-prone settings, applying gender, equity & justice lenses.

Executive summary: the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Lebanon

A brief summarising work by American University of Beirut on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Close-to-community providers, gender and COVID-19 webinar

Video recording of the webinar ‘Close-to-community providers in fragile settings and vulnerable communities during crisis: Gender and COVID-19’

Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers

Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers in Lebanon – how to improve employees’ experiences of work and boost their well-being, motivation & productivity (Arabic & English versions)

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Sierra Leone

This brief explores the roles of close-to-community health care providers in Sierra Leone and their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

Health system resilience during COVID-19: understanding sexual and reproductive health service adaptation in North Kivu

This report examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health services in North Kivu, DRC

Maintains programme: Research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

A summary of the Maintains programme (2018-21) and its outputs: research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

Understanding health system resilience to respond to COVID-19

A presentation from HERD International on understanding health system resilience to respond to COVID-19: a case study of COVID-19 policy response and health workforce management in Nepal

The comparative agility of the community health worker cadre in fragile & conflict-affected contexts

Presentation on ReBUILD’s research into the agility of community health worker cadres in four fragile settings during Covid-19

COVID-19 and fragile settings – UHC2030 International Health Partnership Policy Brief

A UHC2030 report from December 2020 on health priorities for COVID-19 response and recovery in fragile settings

Reflections from fragile and conflict-affected settings

Presentation from Professor Sophie Witter at the ‘Health financing priorities in the time of Covid-19?’ session at the Institute of Development Studies in October 2020

Resilience and inclusion in health (emergency and longer-term approaches with reference to COVID-19)

A UNHCR webinar on refugees’ inclusion in health systems and health system strengthening during the COVID-19 pandemic. Features Professor Sophie Witter.

Principles of Health Systems Resilience in the Context of COVID-19 Response

A research brief which outlines the key principles for promoting resilient health systems in the face of the challenge of Covid-19