Category: Briefs

Strengthening climate-resilient health systems: opportunities and challenges – policy brief

Policy brief summarises key lessons from a webinar, Strengthening climate-resilient health systems: Opportunities and challenges, bringing together learning on ‘climate mainstreaming’ in the health sector from three projects undertaken by Oxford Policy Management

Resilient public financial management: emerging practice and implications for the health sector

A brief produced following a ReBUILD webinar on disaster resilient Public Financial Management, organised in association with Oxford Policy Management

Exploring approaches for complementary private sector engagement in the health sector in Northern Syria

This brief provides insights into the scale and scope of for-profit private sector healthcare in North West Syria and its impact on health system objectives

Health sector policy responses and health workforce management during COVID-19 in Nepal: Lessons for building resilient health systems

Brief on health workforce management in order to address the surge in demand for services during COVID-19 in Nepal

Executive summary: the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Lebanon

A brief summarising work by American University of Beirut on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers

Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers in Lebanon – how to improve employees’ experiences of work and boost their well-being, motivation & productivity (Arabic & English versions)

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Sierra Leone

This brief explores the roles of close-to-community health care providers in Sierra Leone and their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

Maintains programme: Research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

A summary of the Maintains programme (2018-21) and its outputs: research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

COVID-19 and fragile settings – UHC2030 International Health Partnership Policy Brief

A UHC2030 report from December 2020 on health priorities for COVID-19 response and recovery in fragile settings

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

Principles of Health Systems Resilience in the Context of COVID-19 Response

A research brief which outlines the key principles for promoting resilient health systems in the face of the challenge of Covid-19

Establishing a responsive & equitable health workforce post-conflict & post-crisis: lessons from ReBUILD research

Human resources for health is the most expensive, complex and critical health system pillar, and one with more political ramifications – it is crucial to learn lessons about how to rebuild it effectively post-conflict. This brief highlights some of the main findings on HRH and recommendations from ReBUILD’s research.

Les systèmes de santé après un conflit – éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques

Ces documents de synthèse décrivent les thèmes principaux issus des recherches de ReBUILD, ainsi qu’un aperçu du programme et de son large éventail de projets de recherche jusqu’en 2016.

A summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and related outputs

A summary document giving an overview of the projects and research themes which have made up ReBUILD’s work.

Resources from ReBUILD’s research on gender in post-conflict health systems

Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on gender and post-conflict health systems.

Developing health system research capacity in crisis-affected settings: why and how?

This brief outlines the meaning of health system research capacity, the particular needs for such research capacity in crisis-affected settings, and key lessons for future policy, building on the broad experience of the ReBUILD Consortium and tacit knowledge of the ReBUILD partnership as well as wider literature

Sustainability of health systems in crisis-affected settings: lessons for practice

This policy brief reviews key dimensions of sustainability and their relevance for crisis-affected settings, then presents lessons for encouraging sustainability in these settings.

Do health systems contribute to reduced fragility and state-building during and after crises?

This ReBUILD brief discusses the associations between health systems and state-building and the empirical evidence in this area.

The political economy of crisis-affected settings: what does it mean for investments in health systems?

This brief reviews key elements in the response to crises from a political economy perspective, evidence on the opportunities and challenges presented by crises, and lessons in how to best utilise those opportunities to promote investment in health systems.

How do different types of provider affect access to effective and affordable healthcare during and after crises?

This brief summarises the key characteristics of the different types of providers and the health services they offer, and discusses their involvement in health crises and possible interventions that can increase access to effective and affordable healthcare during and after crises.

How to move towards universal health coverage in crisis-affected settings: lessons from research

This policy brief reviews the meaning of universal health coverage (UHC) and summarises lessons for achieving UHC in crisis-affected settings.

Developing inclusive health systems in crisis-affected settings

This policy brief highlights the ways in which health systems reinforce the marginalisation of some social groups, and then summarises the effects of crises on inclusiveness and the interventions that can protect and enhance equity for those marginalised.

Institutions for strong and equitable health systems after conflict and crisis – lessons from ReBUILD research

This brief outlines the findings from ReBUILD’s phase 1 research informing the theme of institutions in post-conflict health systems.

Establishing a responsive and equitable health workforce post-conflict and post-crisis – lessons from ReBUILD research

This brief outlines the findings from ReBUILD’s phase 1 research on health workers in post-conflict settings.

Health financing policy in conflict affected settings – lessons from ReBUILD research

This brief outlines the findings from ReBUILD’s phase 1 research on health financing policies in post-conflict settings and how these have affected access to health care for the most vulnerable populations.

The ReBUILD programme and emerging themes for health systems strengthening in post-conflict and post-crisis settings

This brief outlines the main themes on health systems in post-conflict and post-crisis settings which came from the first phase of the ReBUILD programme, and the range of research projects which gave rise to these findings and themes.

Les systèmes de santé pendant et après une crise : éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques

Cette série de documents de synthèse, fruit des recherches menées par ReBUILD, aborde un nombre de questions clés concernant le renforcement des systèmes de santé dans les contextes affectés par un conflit ou une crise.

Conflict, household structure and health-seeking behaviour: the Cambodian experience

This briefing note presents findings from ReBUILD’s research in Cambodia on the demographic and distributional impacts of conflicts and implications for health systems.

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

ReBUILD briefings addressing gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality

ReBUILD briefing papers addressing issues around gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality in health systems in a range of countries

Health systems during and after crisis: evidence for better policy and practice

This series of ReBUILD briefing papers addresses some key questions related to health systems strengthening in settings affected by conflict or crisis.

Managing the Transition from Humanitarian to Development Aid: East African Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems Development – Key messages brief

This brief document outlines the key messages highlighted by participants at the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems, held on 15th/16th August in Kampala.

East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 2 bulletin

This bulletin presents the highlights from the second day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala. 15th – 16th August 2018.

East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 1 bulletin

This bulletin presents the highlights from the first day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala.

Managing the transition from humanitarian to development aid – symposium briefing

Briefing booklet and programme produced for the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systemson

Improving deployment of human resources for health in Zimbabwe in the context of crisis

This brief outlines key findings and recommendations from ReBUILD’s study of health worker deployment in Zimbabwe

Responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems: What do we know?

ReBUILD briefing paper summarising knowledge on responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems

Leaving no one behind; how can evidence-based approaches support progress towards UHC and global health goals during conflict and protracted crises?

This briefing paper has been produced ahead of an organised session at HSR2018, outlining the background context of health service delivery in conflict and protracted crises, current developments and initiatives to improve coordination and approaches to support both humanitarian and development objectives, and the challenges and issues for the use of evidence to support these efforts.

Gender and community health worker programmes in fragile and conflict-affected settings. Findings from Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Liberia

Based on findings from ReBUILD’s research project on community health workers in fragile and conflict-affected settings, this brief provides recommendations and guidance for practitioners and policy makers on the ways their workforce may be affected by gender norms, and actions to address them.

Performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings – a summary

This brief presents key messages from and a summary of ReBUILD’s research into performance-based financing

Summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and outputs 2018

This summary of ReBUILD’s research projects from both the original phase and the short extension phase of the programme. It includes links to further information on the projects and their outputs.

Resilience in health systems – responses to key questions

This briefing note provides collective responses from three health systems research consortia to some key questions on health systems resilience raised by DFID advisors.

Resilience of health systems during and after crises – what does it mean and how can it be enhanced?

This policy brief summarises different aspects of health system resilience, its measurement, and strategies for enhancing resilience during and after crises.

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings

Health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings: Resources from ReBUILD’s work

Promoting women’s leadership in the post-conflict health sector in Cambodia

This brief describes findings from research conducted by RinGs and ReBUILD on women’s leadership in the health sector in Battambang province, Cambodia

Evidence submitted to High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth

In June 2016 ReBUILD submitted evidence to the High Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, based on the findings and experience on human resources for health from the research team, especially related to fragile and conflict affected settings. You can access the submitted evidence here.

Health systems after conflict – evidence for better policy and practice

These briefs outline the main themes which have come from ReBUILD’s research, as well as an overview of the programme, its research projects, and how the themes developed from these.

Attraction and retention of Health Workers in Northern Uganda: Implications for faster reconstruction and Universal Coverage?

This brief outlines findings and recommendations from ReBUILD’s research on health worker incentives research in post-conflict northern Uganda, in support of universal health coverage.

ReBUILDing Health Systems Beyond Health Facilities

This brief is one of two briefs from ReBUILD’s research on health system financing and households’ coping strategies for health care needs in post-conflict northern Uganda.

A strong public health sector key for health system resilience in Gulu district, northern Uganda

First of two briefs from ReBUILD’s research on health system financing and households’ coping strategies for health care needs in post-conflict northern Uganda.

Key messages from ReBUILD research in Uganda

This brief outlines the key messages which have come from ReBUILD’s research on health financing, health workforce and aid effectiveness in post-conflict northern Uganda

Benefits of Social Network Analysis for District Performance Assessment

This brief gives an overview and an assessment of the Social Network Analysis tool for assessing district health sector performance in Uganda.

Aid Effectiveness assessment

This brief outlines the approach used and conclusions from part of the ReBUILD’s Aid Effectiveness research in northern Uganda. It concludes that the tool developed for sub-national assessment of aid effectiveness is fit for the purpose. Negotiating priorities and clear communication especially between fundholders and service providers are areas that still need attention if the alignment… Read more

Outputs from the project Health Workers’ Remuneration, Incentives and Accountability in Sierra Leone

This page lists all outputs from the project Health Workers’ Remuneration, Incentives and Accountability in Sierra Leone

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives in Sierra Leone, and on health worker experiences during the Ebola outbreak

Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives and remuneration in Sierra Leone, and on health worker experiences during the Ebola outbreak.

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives and deployment in post-conflict and post-crisis settings

This document includes details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on human resources for health in post-conflict and post-crisis settings.

Maintaining an effective health workforce during and after conflict: Evidence from ReBUILD’s research in northern Uganda

This research brief gives an overview and key findings/recommendations from ReBUILD’s research on health worker incentives in northern Uganda

Incentives to improve health workers’ retention and motivation: implementation challenges and informal practices at district level. The role of DHMTs and NGOs

This policy brief describes findings and gives recommendations from ReBUILD research on the actual implementation of policies on human resources for health at local level in Sierra Leone. The brief includes reflections on the challenges of translating knowledge not only into policy but also into effective practice. You can download the brief here.

Exploring the remuneration of primary healthcare workers: findings on incomes and income use strategies in Sierra Leone. What lessons can be learnt to design effective financial incentives?

This policy brief describes ReBUILD research to explore all of the financial incentives that make up health workers’ remuneration in Sierra Leone

The challenge of retaining health workers in Zimbabwe: findings from ReBUILD research

A briefing paper summarising the findings ReBUILD’s work on health worker incentives in ZImbabwe and giving policy recommendations

Health financing and the budgets of the poor in Zimbabwe Implications for Universal Health Coverage

This brief was produced for the Zimbabwe Health Research Forum on Evidence for Advancing Universal Health Coverage in March 2015, based on ReBUILD’s health systems financing research presented at that meeting.

The challenge of retaining health workers in Zimbabwe: Implications for Universal Health Coverage

This 2015 brief focuses on ReBUILD’s work on the challenge of retaining health workers in Zimbabwe and implications for UHC

Building on our Assets – What works in Cambodia’s obstetric referral system?

A brief outlining the ReBUILD Responsive Fund project on Access to obstetric care and referral in rural Cambodia, produced for the Cambodia Health Researchers’ Forum in November 2015.

Research to inform health systems development – An overview of the ReBUILD RPC in Cambodia

This 2015 brief gives a brief outline of the range of ReBUILD’s research in Cambodia, and some of the emerging key findings.

Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile & Conflict Affected States – Flyer

November 2015 flyer on objectives and activities of the Thematic Working Group on Health Systems in Fragile & Conflict-Affected States

Evidence for supporting a skilled health workforce for all in Sierra Leone

This brief outlines ReBUILD’s research on health worker incentives in Sierra Leone, and gives recommendations for the post-Ebola recovery strategy, based on the research findings, focusing on the strand for in-creasing a skilled workforce, especially in under-served areas.

Joint submission to APPG-Africa Inquiry into Community-led health systems and the Ebola outbreak

ReBUILD, together with the REACHOUT and COUNTDOWN RPC, produced this joint submission of evidence in response to a call from the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Africa’s Inquiry on community-led health systems and the Ebola outbreak.

Evidence and proposals for advancing equity and universal coverage of health services in Zimbabwe

2015 policy brief outlines findings and proposals from ReBUILD’s Rebuilding the foundations for universal health coverage with equity in Zimbabwe

Short introduction to our work in Zimbabwe, August 2011

A 2011 short introduction to ReBUILD’s research programme to support health system development in post-conflict Zimbabwe

Short introduction to our work in Uganda, July 2011

A 2011 short introduction to ReBUILD’s research programme to support health system development in post-conflict Uganda

Short introduction to our work in Sierra Leone, July 2011

A 2011 short introduction to ReBUILD’s research programme to support health system development in post-conflict Sierra Leone

Short introduction to ReBUILD project November 2012

A 2012 short introduction to ReBUILD’s research programme to support health system development in post-conflict settings

Update on work in Uganda, April 2013

An update on ReBUILD’s work in Uganda from April 2013

A window of opportunity for reform? The case of policy on human resources for health in Sierra Leone after the conflict (2002-2012)

The study in this 2014 ReBUILD brief looks at the development of policies on human resources for health in Sierra Leone over the post-conflict decade

Managing the health workforce after a conflict: a review of research and knowledge gaps

A 2014 briefing paper. During conflict, health systems can break down, with clinics and hospitals destroyed and medicine in short supply, leaving people at high risk of disease. Health workers can be targets and many leave the conflict zone. Managing human resources well can help overcome shortages in the health workforce, as well as other… Read more

The policy brief on Benefits of Social Network Analysis for District Performance Assessment

A 2014 ReBUILD brief on an overview of how social network analysis has been used to explore service delivery networks and resource sharing

The Health Worker Incentives: Uganda Briefing

This 2013 ReBUILD brief summarises the findings from the life-histories approach used to explore health workers’ livelihoods and coping strategies in Uganda

Building a motivated health workforce – During and Post Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone

Drawing on ReBUILD’s research on health worker experiences and incentives in Sierra Leone, this briefing paper was produced to inform key actors involved in maintaining basic health services during the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak.

Managing the Ebola epidemic in Uganda 2000-2001

A 2014 ReBUILD brief on managing the Ebola epidemic in Uganda 2000-2001 and the importance of a holistic focus on health systems

Working towards Universal Health Coverage in post-conflict environments

Produced to coincide with Universal Health Coverage (UHC) day 2014, this briefing note outlines the importance of better understanding health systems in post-conflict settings, and how ReBUILD’s work in this area can contribute towards achieving UHC

ReBUILD Progress Update February 2015

This briefing note provides a summary update of ReBUILD’s progress across the whole range of its research themes and focus countries, as of February 2015.

Evaluating the impact of the Special Operating Agency

Following on from ReBUILD’s study of health contracting arrangements in Cambodia, which concluded that a more robust evaluation of the Special Operating Agency model should be considered, this briefing outlines two options that could be considered for such an evaluation.

From public to private and back again: Lessons Learned from Internal Contracting in Cambodia

This brief provides a summary of ReBUILD’s research done on health contracting in Cambodia, and identifies key points relating to the impact of the Special Operating Agency (SOA) model on service coverage and equity.