Category: Reports

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – Myanmar

Report from Burnet Institute Myanmar on the gendered experiences of close-to-community providers during COVID-19

Providing guidance for donor approaches to performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings – a case study

A case study on ReBUILD for Resilience’s work providing guidance to donors on performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Strengthening coordination for shock preparedness and response: lessons for health system resilience

This working paper from OPM examines the roles played by coordination and partnerships between different stakeholders in supporting health system preparedness and response to shocks

Understanding health system resilience to respond to COVID-19 in a federalised context

A report – Understanding Health System Resilience to Respond to COVID-19 in a Federalised Context: a case study of health workforce management at the sub-national level in Nepal during the COVID-19 pandemic – by HERD International

Gendered experience of Sierra Leone’s close-to-community providers during COVID-19: a study report

Report on the Sierra Leone strand of the study ‘The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile & shock-prone settings: implications for policy & practice during & post COVID-19’

Gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings – global document review

Review examines relevant literature on close-to-community providers during the COVID-19 pandemic in fragile and shock-prone settings, applying gender, equity & justice lenses.

Health system resilience during COVID-19: understanding sexual and reproductive health service adaptation in North Kivu

This report examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health services in North Kivu, DRC

Maintains programme: Research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

A summary of the Maintains programme (2018-21) and its outputs: research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

Getting on the same page: the concept and assessment of ‘health systems strengthening’

A video recording, presentation slides, Q&A responses and additional resources from ReBUILD’s ‘Getting on the same page: the concept and assessment of health systems strengthening’ webinar

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations

These two papers, produced for the World Health Organization, look at health financing policy in fragile and conflict-affected settings – Health financing policy and implementation in fragile and conflict-affected settings and Health financing policy in fragile & conflict-affected situations

Evidence review of what works for health systems strengthening, where and when?

Research from ReBUILD and partners on identifying evidence on effective health systems strengthening approaches in different contexts

Resources from ReBUILD’s research on gender in post-conflict health systems

Details of all outputs from ReBUILD’s work on gender and post-conflict health systems.

ReBUILD briefings addressing gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality

ReBUILD briefing papers addressing issues around gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality in health systems in a range of countries

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings

Health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings: Resources from ReBUILD’s work

Incentives for health workers to stay in post and in rural areas: findings from four conflict- and crisis-affected countries

ReBUILD report presents a cross-cutting analysis into health worker incentives in post-crisis northern Uganda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia & Zimbabwe

Challenges and progress in implementing the women, peace and security agenda: two case studies

This section from the 2016 SIPRI yearbook highlights the challenges and progress in implementing the women, peace and security agenda

Understanding health worker incentives in post-crisis settings: lessons from health worker in-depth interviews and life histories in Zimbabwe

This is a report from the qualitative component of ReBUILD’s health worker incentives research in Zimbabwe, drawing on the ‘life histories’ interviews with health workers

Impact of user fees on health care seeking behaviour and financial protection during the crisis period in Zimbabwe: A life history approach

This report presents the findings and recommendations from part of ReBUILD’s qualitative health financing research in Zimbabwe, using the life histories approach.

Understanding deployment policies and systems for staffing rural areas in Northern Uganda during and after the conflict: synthesis report

This 2017 paper reports on ReBUILD’s research into deployment systems for health workers in remote and rural areas in Uganda

Deployment of Human Resources for Health in Zimbabwe: Synthesis report

Report from ReBUILD’s research into deployment systems for health workers in remote and rural areas in Zimbabwe. Download the full report here.

Rebuilding adolescent girls’ lives: mental health and psychosocial support in conflict-affected Gaza, Liberia and Sri Lanka

A 2015 synthesis report from the ReBUILD study on psychosocial support and service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

Learning from the experiences of health workers in conflict-affected Cambodia to improve motivation and retention: analysis of life histories

This 2016 ReBUILD working paper looks at the evolution of health worker incentives in Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zimbabwe

The evolution of human resources for health policies in post-conflict Cambodia: findings from key informant interviews and document reviews

ReBUILD Working Paper 19. Sovonarith So and Sophie Witter. February 2016. This working paper was an output of ReBUILD’s research into the evolution of health worker incentives in four post-conflict contexts (Cambodia, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Zimbabwe) in order to understand how to establish equitable access to quality health care in these health systems. The… Read more

‘Fighting a battle’: Ebola, health workers and the health system in Sierra Leone

A working paper on the ReBUILD study ‘Fighting a battle: Ebola, health workers and the health system in Sierra Leone’

Report of Sierra Leone Human Resources for Health Summit 2-3 June 2016

A ReBUILD consortium report from the Sierra Leone Human Resources for Health Summit 2016

Application of Social Network Analysis in the Assessment of Organizational Infrastructure for Service Delivery: A Case Study From Post-conflict Northern Uganda

A 2016 draft paper on ReBUILD research into the link between governance and aid effectiveness in post-conflict health systems in Uganda

Understanding health worker incentives in three districts of Zimbabwe: survey report

This 2015 report describes the findings from a health workers study in Zimbabwe which aimed to understand the incentive environment.

Health care seeking behaviour and impact of health financing policy on household financial protection in post conflict Cambodia: A life history approach

This 2015 ReBUILD working paper presents the findings and recommendations from qualitative health financing research in Cambodia

Validation Workshop Report: Obstetric Referral in the Cambodian Health System – What Works?

A 2015 ReBUILD workshop report on research into obstetric referral in the Cambodian health system

Maternal Healthcare in the Cambodian Health System: A Literature Review

ReBUILD’s 2014 literature review provides an overview of obstetric referral in the Cambodian health care system

Understanding health worker incentives in post-crisis settings: policies to attract and retain public health workers in Zimbabwe: key informant interviews

Report from key-informant interview element of ReBUILD’s research into health worker incentives environment in Zimbabwe.

Health workers’ incentives in post-conflict settings – a review of the literature and framework for research

This 2012 ReBUILD literature review identifies research gaps in relation to health worker incentives in post-conflict contexts.

Understanding contracting in Cambodia: findings from interviews with key informants and health service managers and providers

This research report describes findings from the qualitative component of ReBUILD’s research into health contracting in Cambodia Over the last two decades, Cambodia has implemented several policy initiatives and interventions to improve health service delivery. The contracting of services in the health sector has been happening since the late 1990s. Since 2009, an internal contracting… Read more

Understanding Contracting in Cambodia The performance of contracting and non-contracting districts in extending primary health coverage: analysis of secondary data

This research report describes findings from the quantitative component of ReBUILD’s research into health contracting in Cambodia.

A Case Study of Maternal Health Service Provision in OR Tambo District, Eastern Cape, in the Context of Chronic Poor Health Performance.

Case studies produced by Health Systems Resilience: A Systems Analysis – a ReBUILD affiliate research project applying a systems dynamics approach to understand, predict and identify mechanisms that influence the resilience of health systems in contexts of adversity.

The fallout of rape as a weapon of war

2014 ReBUILD report on emerging research findings on patterns & consequences of sexual violence in post-conflict settings, from communities in Liberia.

Key health and conflict related indicators in Liberia and Sri Lanka: background report

ReBUILD report from 2015 on the broader impact of conflicts on health & health service provision for adolescent girls in Liberia & Sri Lanka.

Mental health and psychosocial service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

Literature review on methodologies & understanding mental health & psychosocial services for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings

Adolescent psychosocial wellbeing in the post conflict context of Sri Lanka – Summary country report: stage 1

Phase 1 report of a 2015 ReBUILD study of post conflict mental & psychosocial health problems experienced by adolescent girls in Sri Lanka.

Mental health and psychosocial support service provision for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings, a culturally sensitive response

Report of 2nd stage of a 2015 ReBUILD study of mental & psychosocial problems & health sevices for adolescent girls in post conflict Sri Lanka.

Improving deployment systems for health workers in remote and rural areas: Project Protocol Summary

This document is a summary of the protocol for ReBUILD’s research on deployment systems for health workers in remote and rural areas. It details the approach used for this research in the two study countries. You can download the document here.

Desk Review of institutional arrangements for health financing in Zimbabwe

Report of a ReBUILD desk study to describe the organizational, institutional & governance aspects of health financing in Zimbabwe.

Desk review of purchasing arrangements for public health services in Zimbabwe

2013 ReBUILD literature review on healthcare purchasing arrangements between government & (i) local government & (ii) private providers in Zimbabwe.

National Research Forum: Evidence for advancing Universal Health Coverage in Zimbabwe ABSTRACTS

This document contains all abstracts from presentations made at the National Research Forum: Evidence for advancing Universal Health Coverage in Zimbabwe, held on 19th/20th March 2015 in Harare, organised by ReBUILD’s Affiliate research partners in Zimbabwe. You can download the full report from this National Research Forum from the TARSC website.

Evidence for advancing Universal Health Coverage in Zimbabwe: Report of the National Research Forum, 19th/20th March 2015

Report of the National Research Forum: Evidence for advancing Universal Health Coverage in Zimbabwe held March 2015 in Harare

Literature Review on Needs Based Resource Allocation

Background literature review to inform field work protocol to develop a resource allocation formula for public health resources in Zimbabwe.

Review of financing of semi-autonomous health institutions in Zimbabwe

Desk study presenting evidence on the funds pooled in and paid by semi-autonomous institutions funding health in Zimbabwe

Desk review of institutional arrangements for health financing in selected African countries

ReBUILD desk study from 2014 on the collection, pooling, purchasing, monitoring & governance of tax-based health financing in several African countries

Understanding health worker incentives in post conflict settings: Project protocol summary

This document is a summary of the protocol for ReBUILD’s research on understanding health worker incentives in post-conflict settings. It details the approach used for this research across all four of the study countries. You can download the document here.

Health worker incentives: stakeholder mapping report (Sierra Leone)

Report of a Sierra Leone stakeholder mapping exercise from 2012 to understand the actors who influence policy and practices in human resources for health

Health financing in post-conflict settings – a literature review

A 2011 ReBUILD analysis of thinking, approaches, themes and findings of writing on health financing in post-conflict or fragile health systems

Country Situation Analysis Uganda

A REBUILD consortium Country Situation Analysis for Uganda from 2011

Country Situation Analysis: Sierra Leone

A REBUILD consortium Country Situation Analysis for Sierra Leone from 2011

Country Situation Analysis: Cambodia

A REBUILD consortium Country Situation Analysis for Cambodia from 2011

Understanding health worker incentives in post-crisis settings – a document review of Zimbabwe

A 2014 ReBUILD report on health worker incentives in post-crisis settings: policies to attract and retain health workers in rural Zimbabwe

The Free Health Care Initiative: how has it affected health workers in Sierra Leone

This 2014 ReBUILD report pulls together findings relating to the Free Health Care Initiative (FHCI), as part of ReBUILD’s wider research on the evolution of incentives for health workers in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

Health worker incentives during and after the conflict in Northern Uganda: A document review

This 2014 ReBUILD study examines the evolution of government and donor policies supporting health workers during and after conflict in Uganda

A case study of health service provision in Yobe State, Nigeria in the context of the Boko Haram insurgency

A 2014 ReBUILD case study of health service provision in Yobe State, Nigeria in the context of the Boko Haram insurgency

A Case Study of Technical Assistance to HIV Services in Cote d’Ivoire in the Context of Civil Unrest Following the Disputed Presidential Election of 2010

A 2014 ReBUILD case study of technical assistance to HIV services in Cote d’Ivoire in the during civil unrest

Staffing the public health sector in Sierra Leone, 2005‐11: findings from routine data analysis

A 2014 ReBUILD report on staffing the public health sector in Sierra Leone, 2005‐11: findings from routine data analysis

Policies to attract and retain health workers in Northern Uganda during and after conflict: findings of key informant interviews

A 2014 ReBUILD report on policies to attract and retain health workers in Northern Uganda during and after conflict

The development of HRH policy in Sierra Leone, 2002-2012 – a document review

This ReBUILD document review summarises the human resources for health context in Sierra Leone in 2013 and post-conflict policies introduced

The development of HRH policy in Sierra Leone, 2002-2012 – report on key informant interviews

A ReBUILD consortium report on the he development of humna resources for health policy in Sierra Leone, 2002-2012

Serving through and after conflict: life histories of health workers in Sierra Leone

This 2014 ReBUILD study in Sierra Leone used a life history approach to explore health workers’ experiences over time

Human Resources for Health in Post Conflict Settings – A Literature Review

A 2011 ReBUILD scoping review to identify the then current knowledge about human resources for health in post-conflict settings

Health workers career paths livelihoods and coping strategies in conflict and post conflict Uganda

Report of ReBUILD’s ‘life history’ study of serving health workers in four districts of the Acholi sub-region in northern Uganda, as part of ReBUILD’s wider work on health worker experiences and incentives during and after conflict.