This database features all of the resources produced by the ReBUILD for Resilience programme as well as those produced by its predecessor, ReBUILD. More resources are being added all the time. Contact us if you cannot find particular information.

East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 1 bulletin

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This bulletin presents the highlights from the first day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala.

Managing the transition from humanitarian to development aid – symposium briefing

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

Briefing booklet and programme produced for the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systemson

Improving deployment of human resources for health in Zimbabwe in the context of crisis

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This brief outlines key findings and recommendations from ReBUILD’s study of health worker deployment in Zimbabwe

Psychosocial support for adolescent girls in post-conflict settings: beyond a health systems approach

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2017

ReBUILD research paper focusing on the importance of psychosocial support services for adolescent girls in fragile contexts

Understanding HRH recruitment in post-conflict settings: an analysis of central-level policies and processes in Timor-Leste (1999–2018)

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

The study explores how the human resources for health recruitment policies changed in Timor-Leste from 1999-2018, the drivers of change and their contribution to rebuilding an appropriate health workforce after conflict.

Responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems: What do we know?

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

ReBUILD briefing paper summarising knowledge on responding to humanitarian crises in ways that strengthen longer-term health systems

Webinar – Performance-based financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings: from research to practice

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2018

Recording of a webinar on the impact of PBF research on practice in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Performance-based financing as a way to build strategic purchasing in fragile and conflict affected settings: potential and pitfalls

Resource Type: Presentations

Year: 2018

Presentation given by Sophie Witter at a Satellite Session on “Payment for Performance, how, why, where and what?”, at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool, on 9th October 2018.

The changing health care needs of communities and health system responses in fragile settings

Resource Type: Presentations

Year: 2018

Presentation on the changing health care needs of communities and health system responses in fragile settings by Tim Martineau at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool, October 2018.

The bumpy trajectory of performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

A ReBUILD paper on the development of performance-based financing for healthcare in Sierra Leone

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