This database features all of the resources produced by the ReBUILD for Resilience programme as well as those produced by its predecessor, ReBUILD. More resources are being added all the time. Contact us if you cannot find particular information.

Supporting community health workers in fragile settings: evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2018

Poster presented at the Fifth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Liverpool in October 2018 on supporting community health workers in fragile settings

Integrating gender into health system strengthening in conflict and crisis-affected settings

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2018

Recording of a webinar on integrating gender into health system strengthening in conflict and crisis-affected settings

Summary of ReBUILD’s research themes, projects and outputs 2018

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This summary of ReBUILD’s research projects from both the original phase and the short extension phase of the programme. It includes links to further information on the projects and their outputs.

UHC in Emergencies – ReBUILD presentation at the 2018 World Health Assembly

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2018

Video of Tim Martineau of the ReBUILD Consortium speaking at a session on UHC in emergencies at the 2018 World Health Assembly

Internal contracting of health services in Cambodia: drivers for change and lessons learned after a decade of external contracting

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

ReBUILD paper on health contracting models in Cambodia since 2009. Includes lessons on the Special Operating Agencies model of contracting.

Health Systems in Situations of Fragility

Resource Type: Presentations

Year: 2018

Presentation given by Professor Sophie Witter on 17th May 2018 for the American University of Beirut Global Health Institute’s Webinar series: “Global Health and Conflict”. This webinar theme: Health Systems in Situations of Fragility.

The gendered health workforce: mixed methods analysis from four fragile and post-conflict contexts

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2017

A paper from ReBUILD exploring the gendered experiences of health workers in fragile and post-conflict states

Changes in catastrophic health expenditure in post-conflict Sierra Leone: an Oaxaca-blinder decomposition analysis

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2017

A paper from ReBUILD examining how households’ exposure to financial risks through seeking healthcare evolved in post-conflict Sierra Leone.

Performance-based financing in three humanitarian settings: principles and pragmatism

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

A paper from ReBUILD’s study exploring how performance-based financing emerged and was adapted in three humanitarian settings.

Resilience in health systems – responses to key questions

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2017

This briefing note provides collective responses from three health systems research consortia to some key questions on health systems resilience raised by DFID advisors.

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