This database features all of the resources produced by the ReBUILD for Resilience programme as well as those produced by its predecessor, ReBUILD. More resources are being added all the time. Contact us if you cannot find particular information.

The human resource implications of improving financial risk protection for mothers and newborns in Zimbabwe

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2013

This 2013 paper examines implications for human resources for health of changes in user fees for maternal and newborn health services in Zimbabwe.

Health workers’ experiences of coping with the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone’s health system: a qualitative study

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

A paper from ReBUILD’s study on health workers’ experiences of coping with the Ebola epidemic in Sierra Leone’ s health system.

Context matters (but how and why?) A hypothesis-led literature review of performance based financing in fragile and conflict-affected health systems

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

Literature review from ReBUILD by on how context affects performance-based health financing in fragile and conflict-affected settings.

What adaptation to research is needed following crises: a comparative, qualitative study of the health workforce in Sierra Leone and Nepal

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

ReBUILD paper examines health systems research that explored and evaluated health worker performance during crises in Sierra Leone & Nepal

Why do people become health workers? Analysis from life histories in four post‐conflict and post‐crisis countries

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2018

Paper from ReBUILD’s health worker incentives research looking at motivation to join the profession in Uganda, Sierra Leone, Cambodia & Zimbabwe.

Resilience of health systems during and after crises – what does it mean and how can it be enhanced?

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2017

This policy brief summarises different aspects of health system resilience, its measurement, and strategies for enhancing resilience during and after crises.

How do health workers experience and cope with shocks? Learning from four fragile and conflict-affected health systems in Uganda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Cambodia

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2017

Paper draws together lessons from ReBUILD’s research on health worker incentives in northern Uganda, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Cambodia.

Resources from ReBUILD’s work on health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2019

Health financing in conflict-affected and post-conflict settings: Resources from ReBUILD’s work

The commercialization of traditional medicine in modern Cambodia

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2017

This 2017 paper describes the findings from ReBUILD’s research in Cambodia as part of the health financing research strand

Assessing aid effectiveness: a case study of post-conflict northern Uganda

Resource Type: Presentations

Year: 2017

Presentation on ReBUILD’s research into aid effectiveness and health system actors and networks in post-conflict northern Uganda. Given to ReBUILD Researchers’ Forum meeting on 28th September 2017

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