This database features all of the resources produced by the ReBUILD for Resilience programme as well as those produced by its predecessor, ReBUILD. More resources are being added all the time. Contact us if you cannot find particular information.

The challenges and opportunities of conducting ethical and trustworthy qualitative research in health systems in post-conflict and fragile contexts: Reflections from a learning community

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

ReBUILD poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: A qualitative study exploring how to strengthen policy and practice related to health financing and human resource management in post conflict and fragile contexts

Equity in Maternal Health Care Services in post-conflict Northern and non-conflict East-Central Uganda: A Comparative Mixed Methods Multi-case study

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

ReBUILD poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: Mixed method study comparing maternal health care in post-conflict and non-conflict regions of East Central Uganda

Organizational Infrastructure for Service Delivery: A Case Study of Post-conflict Northern Uganda

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

ReBUILD poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: Study of the multitude of non-state agencies involvement in the health system, in post-conflict Northern Uganda

Gendered Health Care Coping In Northern Uganda: What Are The Gender And Equity Considerations In Post Conflict Health System Strengthening?

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

Poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: A study of the extent to which gender is a factor in post conflict health systems

Mobility of health staff during conflict and post-conflict situations in a decentralized system, a case study of Northern Uganda

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

ReBUILD Poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: Study to understand how the policy of recruitment and deployment under decentralization was implemented and its impact on mobility of health workers over the conflict and post-conflict periods

The Impact of Health Financing Policies on Household Spending: Evidence from Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey 2004 and 2009

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

ReBUILD Poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: Cambodian study measuring the combined effects of user fee and health equity fund on household health expenditure

Health worker remuneration and incentive policies in post crisis Zimbabwe: challenges and Implications for retention of human resources for health

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

ReBUILD Poster presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014: The study examines how incentive environments have evolved during and after the crisis in Zimbabwe

Health seeking behaviour and impact of health financing policy on household financial protection in post conflict Cambodia: A life history approach

Resource Type: Posters

Year: 2014

Poster of ReBUILD’s qualitative research on health systems financing in Cambodia presented at the Third Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Cape Town 2014

Understanding health worker incentives in post-crisis settings: policies to attract and retain public health workers in Zimbabwe: key informant interviews

Resource Type: Reports

Year: 2015

Report from key-informant interview element of ReBUILD’s research into health worker incentives environment in Zimbabwe.

Exploring the influence of context and policy on health district productivity in Cambodia

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2016

Despite gains in life expectancy and increased health expenditure, Cambodia still lags behind neighbours in many health indicators. This article aims to understand variations in efficiency of public health services, and the extent to which changes in efficiency are associated with key health policies that have been introduced to strengthen access to health services over the past decade.

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