This database features all of the resources produced by the ReBUILD for Resilience programme as well as those produced by its predecessor, ReBUILD. More resources are being added all the time. Contact us if you cannot find particular information.

Establishing a responsive and equitable health workforce post-conflict and post-crisis – lessons from ReBUILD research

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2016

This brief outlines the findings from ReBUILD’s phase 1 research on health workers in post-conflict settings.

Health financing policy in conflict affected settings – lessons from ReBUILD research

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2016

This brief outlines the findings from ReBUILD’s phase 1 research on health financing policies in post-conflict settings and how these have affected access to health care for the most vulnerable populations.

The ReBUILD programme and emerging themes for health systems strengthening in post-conflict and post-crisis settings

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2016

This brief outlines the main themes on health systems in post-conflict and post-crisis settings which came from the first phase of the ReBUILD programme, and the range of research projects which gave rise to these findings and themes.

Les systèmes de santé pendant et après une crise : éléments probants en faveur de meilleures politiques et pratiques

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

Cette série de documents de synthèse, fruit des recherches menées par ReBUILD, aborde un nombre de questions clés concernant le renforcement des systèmes de santé dans les contextes affectés par un conflit ou une crise.

Conflict, household structure and health-seeking behaviour: the Cambodian experience

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This briefing note presents findings from ReBUILD’s research in Cambodia on the demographic and distributional impacts of conflicts and implications for health systems.

ReBUILD cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

Summary of ReBUILD’s cross cutting and synthesis non peer-reviewed outputs, eg videos, briefs, infographics etc

ReBUILD briefings addressing gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

ReBUILD briefing papers addressing issues around gender, vulnerable groups and intersectionality in health systems in a range of countries

Health systems during and after crisis: evidence for better policy and practice

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This series of ReBUILD briefing papers addresses some key questions related to health systems strengthening in settings affected by conflict or crisis.

Managing the Transition from Humanitarian to Development Aid: East African Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems Development – Key messages brief

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This brief document outlines the key messages highlighted by participants at the East African Regional Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Health Systems, held on 15th/16th August in Kampala.

East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid. Day 2 bulletin

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

This bulletin presents the highlights from the second day’s proceedings at the East Africa Symposium on Transitioning from Humanitarian to Development Aid in Kampala. 15th – 16th August 2018.

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