This database features all of the resources produced by the ReBUILD for Resilience programme as well as those produced by its predecessor, ReBUILD. More resources are being added all the time. Contact us if you cannot find particular information.

Direct facility financing: rationale, concepts & evidence

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2021

A presentation, video recording and associated papers on direct facility financing given by Professor Sophie Witter at the 5th Meeting of the Montreux Collaborative on Fiscal Space, Public Financial Management and Health Financing in November 2021.

Executive summary: the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Lebanon

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2021

A brief summarising work by American University of Beirut on the gendered experience of close-to-community providers in fragile and shock-prone settings during the COVID-19 pandemic

Twitter chat on displaced people, conflict & health systems

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2021

Read some of the tweeted highlights of this twitter chat on health systems, conflict & displaced people

Close-to-community providers, gender and COVID-19 webinar

Resource Type: Audio visual

Year: 2021

Video recording of the webinar ‘Close-to-community providers in fragile settings and vulnerable communities during crisis: Gender and COVID-19’

Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2021

Recommendations for supervisors of female health workers in Lebanon – how to improve employees’ experiences of work and boost their well-being, motivation & productivity (Arabic & English versions)

The gendered experience of close-to-community providers in Sierra Leone

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2021

This brief explores the roles of close-to-community health care providers in Sierra Leone and their gendered experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic

‘They say we are money minded’ – exploring experiences of formal private for-profit health providers towards contribution to pro-poor access in post-conflict Northern Uganda

Resource Type: Peer-reviewed papers

Year: 2021

This paper seeks to understand how the private for-profit health sector continues to thrive in settings with high poverty levels and a history of conflict, such as Northern Uganda.

Health system resilience during COVID-19: understanding sexual and reproductive health service adaptation in North Kivu

Resource Type: Reports

Year: 2021

This report examines the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual and reproductive health services in North Kivu, DRC

Maintains programme: Research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

Resource Type: Briefs

Year: 2018

A summary of the Maintains programme (2018-21) and its outputs: research supporting social services’ adaptation to external shocks

Understanding health system resilience to respond to COVID-19

Resource Type: Presentations

Year: 2021

A presentation from HERD International on understanding health system resilience to respond to COVID-19: a case study of COVID-19 policy response and health workforce management in Nepal

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