Appraising pay‐for‐performance in healthcare in low‐ and middle‐income countries through systematic reviews: reflections from two teams
Pay‐for‐performance (P4P) has been one of the most ideologically charged topics in recent years in global health. It has attracted considerable investment, promotion, innovation, and assessment, but the issue of its effectiveness, efficiency and long‐term effects remains controversial. Two systematic review teams have recently investigated P4P and whether and to what extent it works, how, for whom, for how long, with which design, and in which context. This editorial offers a summary of reflections by the review teams on some of the challenges encountered and offers suggestions for future reviews and research on P4P.
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Authors: Karin Diaconu (QMU), Sophie Witter (QMU), Peter Binyaruka, Josephine Borghi, Garrett W Brown, Neha Singh, Cristian A Herrera
Citation: Diaconu K, Witter S, Binyaruka P, Borghi J, Brown GW, Singh N, Herrera CA. Appraising pay‐for‐performance in healthcare in low‐ and middle‐income countries through systematic reviews: reflections from two teams. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2022, Issue 5. Art. No.: ED000157. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.ED000157.