Category: 2013

The human resource implications of improving financial risk protection for mothers and newborns in Zimbabwe

This 2013 paper examines implications for human resources for health of changes in user fees for maternal and newborn health services in Zimbabwe.

Desk review of purchasing arrangements for public health services in Zimbabwe

2013 ReBUILD literature review on healthcare purchasing arrangements between government & (i) local government & (ii) private providers in Zimbabwe.

Literature Review on Needs Based Resource Allocation

Background literature review to inform field work protocol to develop a resource allocation formula for public health resources in Zimbabwe.

Sierra Leone: August 2013

ReBUILD Sierra Leone—August 2013 Newsletter Read the full newsletter   

Update on work in Uganda, April 2013

An update on ReBUILD’s work in Uganda from April 2013

The Health Worker Incentives: Uganda Briefing

This 2013 ReBUILD brief summarises the findings from the life-histories approach used to explore health workers’ livelihoods and coping strategies in Uganda

Health systems in post conflict settings – are they different from other low and middle income countries?

ReBUILD presentation on health systems in conflict-affected states – are they different from in other low and middle income countries? 2013

Health systems in conflict affected states

ReBUILD presentation from 2013 on health systems in conflict-affected states

Health worker incentive environments during and postconflict

ReBUILD presentation from 2013 on early work on health worker incentive environments during and post-conflict

Contracting in conflict affected settings: evidence from Cambodia

ReBUILD consortium presentation from 2013 on contracting in conflict-affected settings: evidence from Cambodia

Use of qualitative research methods and health systems research in post conflict contexts

Notes from a 2013 ReBUILD meeting on the challenges encountered when undertaking qualitative research in post-conflict contexts

The development of HRH policy in Sierra Leone, 2002-2012 – a document review

This ReBUILD document review summarises the human resources for health context in Sierra Leone in 2013 and post-conflict policies introduced

The development of HRH policy in Sierra Leone, 2002-2012 – report on key informant interviews

A ReBUILD consortium report on the he development of humna resources for health policy in Sierra Leone, 2002-2012

Health workers career paths livelihoods and coping strategies in conflict and post conflict Uganda

Report of ReBUILD’s ‘life history’ study of serving health workers in four districts of the Acholi sub-region in northern Uganda, as part of ReBUILD’s wider work on health worker experiences and incentives during and after conflict.